Marie Kondo Step Aside ! Look after your scarves and they’ll look after you....


So I never really was the natural Marie Kondo type of girl (if I can still call myself that at my not so tender age, but I intend to do so anyway !).  In fact, over the years, I've accumulated so many clothes, that I really was struggling at one point to know what to do with them, and I must have been keeping every charity shop in site, in constant supply.  The truth is, I love clothes, jewelry, bags, shoes and of course scarves ! And they were, shall we say, in a bit of disarray and if anyone had ever even dared to mention Marie Kondo to me, I probably would have scoffed and murmured under my breath ‘ I don’t have the time for all of that !’

So what changed ?  Well for one, the picture of a slightly deranged woman first thing in the morning, running round the house, screaming ‘where’s my scarf ? you know the one with the funny pattern on it !’ was not a pretty one (yes, you can’t imagine Marie doing that can you ?) and on a more serious note, now I’m the mother of a wonderful wild 8 year old boy, if I want any time to myself, at all, being organised is of paramount importance.  So, I’m now on a serious organizing frenzy, from cupboards and drawers in every room of the house, to organizing my very envious scarf collection.  And as far as scarves are concerned, I’ve tried it all, from special coat hangers, to tying them like cravats and I have to confess, Marie Kondo has it right ! Rolling is the way to go !

There is something delightfully calming about rolling and folding your clothes.  And yes, this might sound all a bit frivolous, but not only have I managed at long last to get my scarves in order, (with thick woolly scarves rolled in baskets near the front door and silk and chiffon scarves up in the bedroom), but perhaps more importantly, at a time when we seriously need to be thinking about the damage we are doing to our environment, in the process, I think I'm learning to really cherish them.

I have to confess, it might be a while yet, before I bring out my tuning fork, but I have brought a little more tranquility into my life, and I'm learning to really look after the things I have, in the hope they will last for a long while yet. 

Check out the wonderful Marie Kondo rolling technique